Eddie has returned to fulltime teaching.
California State Board Examination Review & Instructional Tutoring |
IMPORTANT!Required for all Chemical Services!When making an appointment with Eddie and pre-paying online via PayPal (or in person via Square) for your Chemical Service, bear in mind that most can take up to 2-3 hours (and more for longer hair). You are also REQUIRED to stop by for a predisposition test at least 72 hours prior to your scheduled appointment to ensure that you will not have an allergic reaction to the chemicals used. It is important that you disclose any medications and herbs you are taking, as well as cosmetics that are in use by you as they may impact what chemicals are used and how effectively they will work. AnsgarHair cannot be held accountable for undesired results in cases where medications, herbs, and cosmetics were not disclosed at the time of predisposition testing and consultation. Bear in mind, some chemicals can cause serious health problems because of drug and even cosmetic interactions. This is to give you the best service possible as well as to protect your health.
For chemical services, please ensure that your hair length and services selected correspond to the Diagram Menu.
Please note: after pre-paying online via PayPal or in person via Square, please Email Eddie with your preferred evening and time for your service (note that Fridays are excluded due to teaching obligations). Make sure to include your name and phone number in your email. Eddie will contact you to confirm and will reschedule you if there is a conflict.